Saturday, June 2, 2007

Little about me

My name is Saeed Al Kaabi. I am 19 years old and am from Abu Dhabi. I study Higher Diploma in Engineering specialising in computer. My hobbies are swimming, playing football, going to the cinema with my friends and I like to go to Alain every weekend to visit my cousins. I like chatting in the internet and I often listen to music when I feel bored. Sometimes I like to ride a motorbike. When I was a child, I was afraid of riding motorbikes, but now I feel that riding a motorbike is very interesting. I like to meet new friends from everywhere. I have a BMW car and I like it because it gives me power and relaxation. Every day I go to Abu Dhabi Men's college. I like English because I have very kind teachers like Ms.Ruth and Mr.Headly. I hope to continue my studies after Higher Diploma to get a Masters Degree.

Global Warming

Global warming is known as an increase in the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere, especially a continued increase sufficient to cause change in the climate. Global warming is the change of distributions of plants and animals, population sizes, growth rates, timing of plant flowering, and timing of animal migration. Climate change is changing the size and frequency of storms, droughts and fire, the level of the oceans, and melting ice bergs. Recent research shows that in the past thousand years, the world was colder but now it becoming hotter than before. If emissions of heat- trapping gases continue to increase global warming will continue. Many organizations are working hard to solve this problem by trying to stop global warming from increasing. New sources of energy are found nowadays and forcing big countries that use energy a lot to limit the use of fuel. However, the world will still be in danger unless people know what they are facing.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Causes of Global Warming

Burning coal, oil and natural gas to heat (or cool) our homes, power our cars, and provide electricity for our machines & lights produces carbon dioxide & other gases as by-products. Deforestation and the clearing of land for agriculture also release large amounts of these gases.
Since the industrial revolution, we have been emitting gases, such as carbon dioxide & methane faster than natural systems can remove them from the atmosphere. So these gases are increasing in our atmosphere. With the increasing in the population of the world, these gases are also increasing at an even faster rate and will continue to do so in the future.
Gases like water vapor, carbon dioxide, ozone, methane, nitrous oxide & chlorofluorocarbons are all increasing in the earth’s atmosphere because of human activities. All of these gases trap heat in the earth’s atmosphere; because of this, they are known as GREENHOUSE GASES.
The earth receives heat from the rays of the sun (solar radiation). Most of this heat is absorbed by the earth but a significant amount is reflected back into the earth’s atmosphere and it is returned to outer space. However, the greenhouse gases, which trap heat on earth, are increasing, so they trap more heat than they have done in the past.

The Greenhouse effect

All serious scientists support the view that global warming is happening & caused by human activities. The scientists who don’t support this view work for the industries which are causing global warming. To understand global warming you must first understand the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon. After the sun’s rays enter the Earth’s atmosphere, the earth absorbs most of it, while the rest is deflected back into space. Atmospheric gases, called greenhouse gases, absorb some of this energy. The energy trapped by these gases warms the planet’s surface, creating a greenhouse effect. However, as the amount of greenhouse gases increase, then to does the amount of heat it traps. The result of this is global warming. Atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases have increased dramatically since the start of the industrial revolution. Most scientists agree that the cause of this rise is human activity, in particular the burning of fossil fuels. As these gases increase, they trap more heat and the earth gets warmer.

Effects of Global Warming

In the 1980’s scientists began to get worried that the earth was getting ever hotter. After conducting research, these scientists concluded that:
The average temperature of the earth had increased by 1° F (O.6°C). The level had risen by 10-25cm around the world. There is a strong relationship between the increase in world temperatures and the amount of greenhouse gases present in the atmosphere. Human activities increase the amount of these greenhouse gases. As we can see, even small changes in world temperature could set in motion large changes; these changes, due to global warming, will not be felt equally around the world, their affects will differ, from region to region. So the effects of global warming will be on: a change in the world’s climate; sea levels rising; a reduction in water supplies; a change in the world’s agricultural systems; changes of the world’s natural areas (for example cold areas will decrease) and an increase in disease.

Climate change

Various climatic conditions have happened recently which provide proof that global warming is real:
The 14 hottest years the world has experienced have happened in the last 20 years.There has been a big increase in rainfall in some areas of the world, causing widespread flooding.The El Nino effect in the Pacific Ocean happens when the ocean warms up every few years, this kills a lot of life in this ocean. This is happening more frequently now.We have to listen to what the scientists are telling us about global warming. If we don’t control pollution from industrial activities, then there will be terrible consequences all over the world in the near future.

An Inconvenient Truth Review

An Inconvenient truth it is a presentation done by Al Gore an American politician, teacher, businessman, and environmentalist. From 1993 to 2001 .Al Gore talks about a problem of the global warming and what we will face in the future. Also he showed some facts that happened with the affection on some of the landscapes in different parts in the world. Another thing, he mentioned the green houses and how it makes a big change in the world's climate. In addition he discussed the high decrease of ice pieces in the Greenland west the Antarctica. Then he showed the rapid increase of the co² level in the recent years and what danger that will cause in the future. At the end of the film he gave us a hope that if we started to take the right actions to prevent the global warming we will defiantly succeeds in stopping it in the future.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

UAE Global Warming

I was interested in how global warming relates to my country so I did some research. In the first article I found, at, I read that Abu Dhabi will soon create a new energy source called solar system. Solar system is a system which uses the sun’s heat to make machines work like cars and factories. Abu Dhabi is trying to reduce gas emissions. A recent research shows that Abu Dhabi is one of the cities who produce huge amount of carbon dioxide. For example, here in Abu Dhabi we have at least 500,000 cars which produce carbon dioxide. Moreover, we have many factories which produce methane and carbon dioxide too. The government is planning to use solar system energy as an alternative solution and by next year the project will be completed. If this project goes far, the government will force all the factories in the UAE to use the solar energy instead of using oil and gas which cause global warming.

The second article is about the Environment 2007 Conference which happened last MAY. I think it was the most important conference that happened in Abu Dhabi. Many people from different countries attended this conference. The main subject of the conference was about the new energy sources and how the UAE are trying hard to stop Global warming. One of the new energy sources is gas. In Sharjah His Highness Sheikh Sultan Bin Mohamed Al Qasimi make a new gas station for new cars which use gas instead of petrol. The UAE Government is trying to make this new source popular for everyone in the next few years. However, it is focusing on reducing the emissions which are the main cause of global warming.

Individual Action

Here are some individual things in the UAE that can do to solve global warming. Read it carefully and try to think about it and you will find that it’s a part of the solution.

There are many ways we can contribute in this issue. Some of these are:

• Encourage people to use public transportation instead of using their own cars.

• Recycle metals, papers, plastics, glass, etc.

• Use recycled materials.

• Use energy saving electrical appliances.

• Replace incandescent bulbs with fluorescent bulbs.

• Use renewable energy like gas and oil.

• Calibrate your car air and fuel system regularly to have pure air.
• Reduce the usage of air conditions in the winter.

• Reduce the usage of heaters in the summer.

There are many other ways to reduce the emissions which may cause the global warming. So, just use your common sense generally and you’ll know that you can be one of the people who reduce Global Warming in the UAE.

Note: I got these points from the following sites.

Review about the blog

I have learned many things from this project. To be honest, before I started writing my project I had no idea about global warming. But now I understand what the global warming is and how dangerous it is. There are many facts that could cause this serious problem. Also I understand what affects the earth and what makes it hotter and hotter. Countries in the entire world should stand up and put their hands together and give it full attention to solve this problem; because global warming is getting bigger and bigger. These days we can see the effects of global warming, for example; a change in the world’s climate; rising sea levels; a reduction in water supplies; a change in the world’s agricultural systems; changes of the world’s natural areas (cold areas will decrease) and an increase in disease. If we leave this situation and we don’t give it any attention, we will face all this problems after it gets bigger in the future. So we must work hard to have a good life. Finally, I would like to thank my teachers for trying their best to increase my knowledge in understanding global warming. Also special thank to Miss Ruth who teach me how create a blog. It was very interesting and I enjoyed my project.